The Piers
The proposal starts with designing the landscape structure following the site characteristics. It utilizes the Sponge City concept and connects to the nearby Green belt. The architectural design concept is based on a rational organization of spaces, that create an efficient design that optimizes the learning environment, stimulates creative learning.

1 A Stimulating Place of Wonder and Imagination
The on-going digital revolution seems to abolish the need for physical temples of knowledge storing. Instead, we think the 21st century public library should be a place of wonder, a creative design that turns the library into a stimulating place that embodies discovery and imagination.
Its architecture should celebrate the ability of the mind to be creative or resourceful, it should celebrate the creation of knowledge through its public spaces. It should stimulate the desire of visitors to know something; it should make them feel curious.

A Future Campus
On the future campus the landscape is continuous and the different schools are grouped together.
Our future campus has efficient circulation, students can take one pe- destrian route to connect all functions. No need to wait in the elevators.

Team: Martijn de Geus, Han Zhang, Mingming Xia, Fongyean Tan, Minhui Lee
Project Year: 2022
Location: Chongqing, China